
Software Engineer, Robot Software

London, UK
C++ Rust Machine Learning
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At Wayve we're committed to creating a diverse, fair and respectful culture that is inclusive of everyone based on their unique skills and perspectives, and regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, citizenship, marital, domestic or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, pregnancy or related condition  (including breastfeeding) or any other basis as protected by applicable law.  

About us   

Founded in 2017, Wayve is the leading developer of Embodied AI technology.  Our advanced AI software and foundation models enable vehicles to perceive, understand, and navigate any complex environment, enhancing the usability and safety of automated driving systems.

Our vision is to create autonomy that propels the world forward.  Our intelligent, mapless, and hardware-agnostic AI products are designed for automakers, accelerating the transition from assisted to automated driving.  Join our world-class team as we tackle today's most complex challenges and pave the way for a smarter, safer future.

At Wayve, your contributions matter.  We value diversity, embrace new perspectives, and foster an inclusive work environment.   Make Wayve the experience that defines your career!  

The role

We are looking for skilled software engineers who have the experience in producing and shipping reliable, performant software for distributed, high-end computing devices. As a member of the onboard Software Platform team you will work within an engineering team which is delivering the software for edge devices to reliably provide data, experimentation, validation, and autonomy on a large-scale fleet of vehicles. Through this role, you will have the opportunity to work with Wayve’s next-generation innovative compute and sensor platform and contribute to all phases of the software development lifecycle. Your main responsibilities as a contributor to the robot software stack will include:

  • Build software to enable full sensor integration and data capture at scale and quality necessary for a fully autonomous vehicle.
  • Deliver and maintain soft-real-time Linux-based applications to a fleet of embedded devices on automobiles. Including data collection and storage as well as machine learning inference on the edge.
  • Create robust, fault tolerant software solutions, with comprehensive system diagnostics so we can quickly and efficiently resolve any issues preventing our deployed fleet from operating at maximum capacity.
  • Design, implement, and use system monitoring tools to improve performance and resolve both ad-hoc and systemic issues.

Technologies the team is using: the onboard software is run on Nvidia Jetson devices;  C++ and Rust being the main languages we use in the most of our codebase. We use many of the industry standard libraries that you'd expect i.e. ROS2 ecosystem. 

About you

  • Programming skills in a high performance system languages like C++ and/or Rust
  • Strong understanding on how to optimally use/configure IPC middleware for high data throughput robotic applications
  • Debugging skills, including an ability to delve deep on performance issues, stack traces, core dumps, slow disk writes, high system load, memory bottlenecks, eternal device bottlenecks, and threading issues
  • Knowledge of Linux, build systems and user space device drivers
  • An understanding of how distributed systems operate, either in cloud or robotics systems, and how to make these types of systems more scalable and performant

We understand that everyone has a unique set of skills and experiences and that not everyone will meet all of the requirements listed above. If you’re passionate about self-driving cars and think you have what it takes to make a positive impact on the world, we encourage you to apply.

This is a full-time role based in our office in London.  At Wayve we want the best of all worlds so we operate a hybrid working policy that combines time together in our offices and workshops to fuel innovation, culture, relationships and learning, and time spent working from home.   We operate core working hours so you can determine the schedule that works best for you and your team.  

For more information visit Careers at Wayve. 


DISCLAIMER: We will not ask about marriage or pregnancy, care responsibilities or disabilities in any of our job adverts or interviews. However, we do look to capture information about care responsibilities, and disabilities among other diversity information as part of an optional DEI Monitoring form to help us identify areas of improvement in our hiring process and ensure that the process is inclusive and non-discriminatory.

Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Vehicles Electric Vehicle Machine Learning Software

3 applies


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