
Software Technical Lead Manager, Commercialization Engineering

Warsaw, Poland
Dart Deep Learning C++ Angular TypeScript
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Waymo is an autonomous driving technology company with the mission to be the most trusted driver. Since its start as the Google Self-Driving Car Project in 2009, Waymo has focused on building the Waymo Driver—The World's Most Experienced Driver™—to improve access to mobility while saving thousands of lives now lost to traffic crashes. The Waymo Driver powers Waymo One, a fully autonomous ride-hailing service, and can also be applied to a range of vehicle platforms and product use cases. The Waymo Driver has provided over one million rider-only trips, enabled by its experience autonomously driving tens of millions of miles on public roads and tens of billions in simulation across 13+ U.S. states.

Software Engineering builds the brains of Waymo's fully autonomous driving technology. Our software allows the Waymo Driver to perceive the world around it, make the right decision for every situation, and deliver people safely to their destinations. We think deeply and solve complex technical challenges in areas like robotics, perception, decision-making and deep learning, while collaborating with hardware and systems engineers. If you're a software engineer or researcher who's curious and passionate about Level 4 autonomous driving, we'd like to meet you.

Want to build the next generation of infrastructure for driverless cars? Join the Waymo Commercialization team, and help design the future of transportation! We are looking for a passionate Staff SWE who wants to help build the systems that manage and optimize Waymo's core ride hailing and fleet management systems.

The ideal candidate is someone who can be self-sufficient and product-minded. You will be working on cross-cutting problems that will require strong cross-team collaboration, both technically (mobile app, cloud backends, and the Waymo Driver) and functionally (operations, product, legal, partnerships, policy & privacy) to develop and deliver business critical infrastructure.


In this role, you'll:

  • Help build and evolve one or more mission-critical commercialization tools and systems
  • Collaborate with Product, UX, and other engineering teams to develop systems and processes as business needs grow and evolve
  • Solve hard, real-world problems such as demand planning, pickup / dropoff optimization, fleet optimization, field escalation handling, and more


At a minimum we'd like you to have:

  • BS degree in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience
  • 6+ years experience working with backend tech (e.g. C++, Spanner)
  • 2-3 years of people management experience
  • TL or technical leadership skills
  • Ability to thrive in ambiguity, solving large, open-ended problems
  • Ability to think strategically and architecturally, while balancing short- and long-term needs
  • Excellent communication and collaboration - ability to work across multiple teams to achieve long-term goals


It's preferred if you have:

  • Passion for working in cross functional environments that include nontechnical stakeholders
  • Familiarity with Google infrastructure (e.g. Flume, Borg, Protocol Buffers, OnePlatform)
  • Experience with operations tooling, developer productivity, or developer tools
  • Experience working with frontend tech (e.g. Angular Typescript, Dart)
  • Experience with optimization / OR scheduler
  • Experience with Geo (pathfinder, mapfacts, walking directions)

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