
Principal Software Engineer (Azure Container Apps)

Shanghai, China
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Microsoft is seeking an experienced Principal Software Engineer to join our team and work on Azure Container Apps, a state-of-the-art serverless container platform that empowers scalable applications at cloud scale.


By simplifying the complexities associated with managing virtual machines, orchestrators, and cloud infrastructure, Azure Container Apps enables developers to focus solely on building exceptional applications. Leveraging Azure Container Apps' comprehensive set of built-in features, including autoscaling, traffic routing, application lifecycle management and Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime), developers can streamline the full lifecycle of modern cloud-native applications, and effortlessly implement service-to-service communication, workflow, state management, event-driven architecture, and observability, all within the fully managed Azure Container Apps environment.


At its core, Azure Container Apps is built on the robust foundation of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and seamlessly integrates with powerful tools such as KEDA (Kubernetes-based event-driven autoscaling) and Dapr. Our vision is centered around unleashing the boundless potential of application developers, so they can concentrate on what truly matters.


By joining our team, you will play a pivotal role in contributing to Microsoft's mission of empowering individuals and organizations on a global scale. You will have the opportunity to lead impactful projects and teams that drive the exciting evolution of Azure Container Apps, Dapr, and KEDA. Together, we have the potential to create innovative solutions that have the capacity to transform the lives of billions of people worldwide.

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, or related technical discipline AND 6+ years technical engineering experience with coding in languages including, but not limited to, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Golang, Rust, or Python.
    • OR equivalent experience.
  • Experience in providing overall technical leadership & directions.
  • Experience designing and building large scale distributed systems.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Demonstrated passion for growing yourself and others.
  • Experience with essential open-source projects in the cloud-native ecosystem.
  • Passion to work on deep technical problems related to building large-scale platform level systems with Kubernetes and other essential cloud-native technologies.
  • Experience with standing up a world class service and the supporting infrastructure.
  • Passion to collaborate in teams and delight customers with high quality system level software.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience managing complex projects involving multiple engineers.


#DevDiv Shanghai & DDJL 

We are a people-first organization: we believe that it’s important to invest in the individual and to grow and support each person at the individual and team level. We celebrate each other’s success, and you will have the opportunity to grow your team through a Model, Coach and Care philosophy.


In addition, your responsibilities will include:

  • Work closely with other senior leaders and team members to shape the strategy and architectural investments for the Azure Container Apps and its essential components including but not limited to Dapr, KEDA, Kubernetes, and Envoy.
  • Create robust career development plans to help grow team members.
  • Create an inclusive environment that supports team members and attracts and retains engineers.
  • Collaborate with engineers, program managers and designers to deliver reliable designs and code.
  • Be committed to delivering the best experience for our customers through a data driven approach and enabling customer success.
  • Be committed to working closely with internal and external partners to make Azure Container Apps successful in their scenarios, building trust in relationships and delivering success.
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