
Software Engineer - Mercari/Merpay/Mercoin/Mercari Hallo (Internship)

Remote Tokyo, Japan
SQL Go Machine Learning Microservices AWS API JavaScript Android Kotlin Kubernetes PHP Swift Git Java React Terraform GCP
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Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential. For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari's Culture Doc.

Equal Opportunity Hiring

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well.

Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D Statement.

Team’s Mission / Work Responsibilities

  • Interns will be tasked with developing features for the Mercari marketplace app in Japan, or the Merpay mobile payment service. Successful candidates will join a team of software engineers, who come from diverse backgrounds hold various expertise, and work as a member of their team.
  • The specific content of your work will involve projects to improve the UX and specifications of our products and make them more friendly for Mercari, Merpay, and Mercari Shops users. Currently, Mercari is implementing various initiatives including improving the search screen to enhance the listing and purchasing experience, and therefore you will be requested to actually handle our technology and data to produce output. At Merpay, we engage not only in B2B service development but also B2C service development, and you will have the opportunity to be involved in both.
  • At the end of the internship, you will report the content and actual results of your work at an event held for this purpose. You can find presentation materials produced by past interns in the following article on our owned media site, Mercan.

Group Companies Recruiting

In addition to Mercari, Inc., we are also looking for interns for Merpay, Inc. Please select the Group company you would like to intern for when applying (Mercari, Merpay, or no preference). Please also be sure to check the language requirements for each company.

  • Under the mission of “Building trust for a seamless society,” Merpay, Inc. aims to transform the way money flows throughout the world and make it possible for all kinds of services to be used simply and securely through a single platform.

Unique and Bold Challenges

  • During this internship, you will work to develop actual features integrated into the app and to improve the operation of the app. We hope that, by working in the same environment as our full-time members, interns will not only acquire new skills and immerse themselves in the company culture but also use the internship as an opportunity for self-reflection.
  • At Mercari Group, you will be able to take on bold challenges without any fear of failure. What’s more, you will be able to flexibly choose the latest and optimal technologies, and because we foster an environment and culture that supports independent decision-making, the experience will offer an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. 

Required Experience

  • Shared belief in the mission and values of Mercari Group and its various companies
  • Student of 16 years of age or older who would be able to join Mercari Group as a new graduate from July 2025 to June 2026
  • Interest in joining Mercari Group as a software engineer after the internship is over
  • Basic knowledge of RDBMS and SQL
  • Experience developing/operating products
  • Experience in at least one of the following:
    • Backend
      • API development using a programming language such as Go, PHP, or Java
    • Frontend
      • Development using such things as JavaScript or React
    • Mobile (iOS or Android)
      • Development using Swift or Kotlin
    • Machine Learning
      • Practical experience with ML modeling or development of ML systems
    • Platform Engineering
      • Development using Go and Kubernetes
    • Site Reliability Engineering
      • Development using Go, Kubernetes, and Terraform
    • Corporate Engineering(either one)
      • Development using Java / Go or PHP
      • Development using low code / no code

Preferred Experience

  • Experience with project management and/or team leadership
  • Ability to design and develop with performance and scalability in mind
  • Knowledge of object-oriented software development, networking, and memory management.
  • Knowledge in software test including unit testing, functional testing, and e2e testing
  • Knowledge of and experience with networks, Linux servers, surveillance systems, logging, and system operation
  • Experience with development and operation in a microservices architecture
  • Cloud development experience (preferably Google Cloud or AWS)
  • Understanding of UI development
  • OSS contribution experience / familiarity with OSS community
  • Experience with team development using Git or similar management systems

Screening Criteria

Language Requirements

  • English or Japanese: Independent (CEFR - B2)
    • In Merpay, there are cases where Independent (CEFR - B2)-level Japanese is required
    • In Mercari, there are cases where Independent (CEFR - B2)-level English Independent is required

*Click here for a detailed explanation of language levels

Working Conditions

Employment Status


  • Please apply only if you are able to stay in Japan, as the internship must be from within Japan.
  • For those who live overseas, we will provide Visa support and accommodation arrangements.


  • Roppongi (Tokyo, Japan)
    • Smoking is prohibited within our offices
    • Mercari has introduced a work style policy called “Your Choice.” Each member is free to choose whether they want to work in the office or work fully remote. *Exceptions made for certain kinds of work.

Work Hours

  • Able to work more than 20 hours per week
  • 3 months of Internship is encouraged. Please consult with the recruiter if you prefer shorter/longer period


  • Hourly wage (Salary: Negotiable)


  • Full transportation coverage
  • Custom PC
  • Visa support
  • Accommodation for those who are from outside of Tokyo area


Corporate Sites

Owned Media




テクノロジーの力で世界中の人々をつなぎ、あらゆる人の可能性が発揮される世界を実現していきます。メルカリグループの目指すべき方針についてはMercari Culture Docをご覧ください。


メルカリでは、バックグラウンドによって個人の可能性が決めつけられることなく、自由に価値を生みだす機会を手にできる社会の実現を目指しています。そしてメルカリがミッションを実現するために「Inclusion & Diversity」という考え方は不可欠な存在だと考えています。


詳しくはI&D statementをご覧ください。

チームのミッション / 業務内容

  • 国内におけるフリマアプリ「メルカリ」、スマホ決済サービス「メルペイ」の機能開発に挑戦していただきます。多様なバックグラウンドや専門性を持つソフトウェアエンジニアが所属するチームにジョインしていただき、チームの一員として業務を担っていただきます。
  • 具体的な業務内容については、メルカリ・メルペイにおけるお客さま目線のUX向上や仕様改善に関するプロジェクトに携わっていただきます。現在、メルカリでは検索画面の改善をはじめ、出品・購買に関する多様な施策が行われているため、実際に技術やデータに触れていただき、アウトプットを出していただきます。また、メルペイではB to B向けだけではなく、B to C向けのサービスの開発もあり、その両面に関わることができます。
  • 最終的には、成果報告会で業務内容と実際の成果について報告していただきます。過去のインターンのメンバーによる発表資料をオウンドメディア「メルカン」の記事に載せていますので、ぜひご覧ください。




  • 実際にアプリ内の機能開発や改善業務に取り組んでいただきます。正社員と変わらない環境で仕事に取り組んでいただくことで、スキルの獲得やカルチャーを感じるだけでなく、「ここで活躍できるのか」「何をやりたいのか」など、ご自身を見つめ直す機会にしていただければと考えています。
  • 失敗を恐れず、大胆に挑戦できる環境です。さらに最新・最適な技術を柔軟に選択でき、個人の自律的な意思決定をサポートする環境やカルチャーがあるため、成長を感じられる環境です。


  • メルカリグループおよび各カンパニーのミッションとバリューに共感していただける方
  • 16歳以上の学生で、2025年7月~2026年6月までにメルカリグループに新卒として入社可能な方
  • インターン後、メルカリグループのソフトウェアエンジニアとして就業する意欲がある方
  • プロダクト開発・運用を行った経験
  • RDBMS、SQLの基礎知識
  • 以下のうち1つ以上の経験
    • Backend
      • Go, PHP, Javaなど言語を用いたAPIの開発経験
    • Frontend
      • JavaScript, Reactなどを用いた開発経験
    • Mobile (iOS or Android)
      • Swift or  Kotlinを用いた開発経験
    • Machine Learning
      • MLモデリングの実務経験、またはMLシステムの開発経験
    • Platform Engineering
      • Go, Kubernetesを用いた開発経験
    • Site Reliability Engineering
      • Go, Kubernetes, Terraformを用いた開発経験
    • Corporate Engineering(下記いずれかの経験)
      • Go, PHP, Javaなど言語を用いたAPIの開発経験
      • ローコード・ノーコードプラットフォームでの開発経験
  • (メルカリハロのみ)スポットワーク事業への情熱


  • プロジェクトマネジメントまたはチームリーダー経験
  • パフォーマンスとスケーラビリティを考えた設計開発能力
  • オブジェクト指向ソフトウェア開発、ネットワーク、メモリ管理に関する知識
  • ユニットテスト、機能テスト、E2Eテストを含むソフトウェアテストに関する知識
  • ネットワーク、Linux、監視システム、ロギング、運用に関する知識と経験
  • Microservicesアーキテクチャでの開発・運用経験
  • クラウドにおける開発経験(特にGoogle Cloud、もしくはAWS)
  • UI開発における知識
  • OSSプロジェクトへのコントリビューション経験
  • Git / GitHubもしくは類似のバージョン管理システムを利用したチームでの開発経験



  • 業務遂行に問題の無いレベルの日本語、または英語能力
    • メルカリでは Independent (CEFR - B2)レベルの英語能力が求められることがあります
    • メルペイでは Independent (CEFR - B2)レベルの日本語能力が求められることがあります
    • ※CEFRの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください




  • インターンシップは国内からの参加を必須としておりますので、日本に滞在できる方のみご応募ください。
  • 海外に在住の方には、Visaのサポートや宿泊先手配等行います。



  • 受動喫煙対策: 屋内全面禁煙
  • メルカリには「YOUR CHOICE」というワークスタイルに関する制度があります。オフィス出社をすることも、フルリモートワークを選択することも自由に選択することができます。※一部職種を除く


  • 週20時間以上の勤務が可能な方
  • 期間は約3ヶ月を目安としておりますが、難しい場合はご相談ください


  • 時給制(時給:応相談)


  • 交通費全額支給
  • 入社時に希望のノートPC貸与
  • ビザサポート
  • 遠方からご参加される方には宿泊地を手配




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  • We prioritize job seekers as our customers, unlike bigger job sites, by charging a small fee to provide them with curated access to the best companies and up-to-date jobs. This focus allows us to deliver a more personalized and effective job search experience.
  • Salaries for the engineering jobs on our site range from $100K-$200K. On average, senior engineer positions on our EchoJobs are about $160K.
  • The EchoJobs positions have been sourced and vetted from the top companies to work for in the US as a software engineer, including LinkedIn and other reputable job sites. We also have syndicated jobs from companies that have just raised funding, as well as those that have great unique products and culture. From all of these sources, our founder, Morgan, has also resourced the company's authenticity in terms of their website, public appearance, and more.
  • Yes, our users asked us for just this, so now our search filters allow you to search for your top jobs via location, as well as by onsite, remote, or both. Approximately 30% of our jobs are remote, so you’ve got the best options for you!
  • We have not yet implemented this option, but are considering doing so in the future. For the moment, you would need to cancel your subscription, and resubscribe when you wanted to come back.
  • We add new jobs to EchoJobs every day! We scan our sources for the newest jobs, verify them, and post them to EchoJobs within minutes. We add about 2,000-3,000 new jobs for you each day!
  • From starting your job search to getting hired, the entire job search process can take us software engineers anywhere between 3-6 months. However, at EchoJobs, we’re striving to shorten this duration by finding the best, newest jobs for you, so you can do less job searching, and more applying.
  • We’d recommend checking EchoJobs daily, as we add new jobs to the site each day. Additionally, if you got a chance to read our previous email on “what makes EchoJobs different from any other job search tools,” we also recommended that you set a job alert based on your job filters, so if you get emails on those new jobs, you could be checking more than once per day.
  • If you decide to continue with us after the 1-month trial, we definitely recommend this, as we all know it usually takes 3-6 months to find a quality job as a software engineer these days. So to best support you, we just adjusted our membership options at EchoJobs to monthly, 3 months, or 12 months (this option is more for passive job seekers looking a little bit for the future if they want to come back to work or make a job switch potentially. This lets you see what’s out there in case an even better fit job becomes available.)
  • EchoJobs is truly the only job site of its kind. We want to be THE spot for you to find the best job for you, and haven’t encountered any other company doing this. Other job sites are in niches besides software engineering or focus on a small portion of engineering jobs (like a specific coding language). In the words of Morgan, our founder, “I think what makes EchoJobs different is the amount of jobs, frequency that we add new jobs (we add 2,000-3,000 new jobs daily!), and the powerful search engines to find exactly the job you want more easily and efficiently. We can provide you with the most jobs that are vetted by us, we’ll continually find more new jobs for you, and we make it easier for you to apply and get hired.

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